Monday, June 16, 2008

Midnight is When the Day Begins...

This is THE news of the year. Well, in my world at least. I will not beat around the bush...U2 will be releasing their new album near the end of October this year. The amount of joy this brings to my life is probably insane, but does anyone realize what this means?! First of all, this means a new album...DUH - which means new material, new sounds and new lyrics. This means that Bono and the Edge are going to take us to another place that they haven't taken us before. Oh, and yes, don't forget, that this most likely hopefully (please, please, please. Pleeeeeease!) means a TOUR. My excitement is hard to contain, so please, reminisce with me on some of my recent U2 experiences. Bono for President!


Britney {Jesses Girl} said...

woooow. i wish i coulda seen your reaction when you first heard the news. all of utah probably heard you scream out in joy! :) hahaha

Jillene said...

I love that you L O V E U2! and sooo happy for you! YAY! something to anticipate : )

Tracie said...

OH SNAP!!!!!! The way I feel about this news is probably inappropriate to state on the blog! But you know that I am MORE than excited!! This band borderline kills me they are so amazing! And I can't wait to go to numerous concerts with you!!