Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Lucy Loo

We have a new baby. Her name is Lucy. She is an eight week old Cockapoo. My Dad and I picked her up yesterday. She is the sweetest little thing you will ever see. She has the cutest personality. She likes to sit on your shoulder or behind your neck.
Here she is on James' shoulder.
She got tired a few minutes later...
And she was gone. She is a handful! This little dog demands so much attention! She cried all night last night and I am not looking forward to tonight. I have to constantly watch her to avoid her "messes" and catch her in the act so I can train her properly. All of the stress and frustration is going to take a lot of patience, but it is all worth it when you see that little face. I know she is going to be a good dog, it is just going to take some time. I love Lucy!


Tracie said...

I am in LOVE with Lucy! She is SO stinking cute! This is freaky...But I want one!! YES! Tracie wants a dog!!

James & Prilly said...

And just to think, it all started out with Pete...

Heather said...

So who's Pete?

Pretty cute April!

James & Prilly said...

Pete is my Aunt's cockapoo that used to come stay with us when they went out of town. Trac has never been a dog person and was even leary about Pete, but she fell in love with him when all he wanted to do was be in her room next to her. Pete has an unusual personality that you can't help but love. It's also the dog breed too...

Anonymous said...

Oh, my gosh. Lucy is so cute...and blonde! I love her. Give her litle rubs from Aunt Jenny. Congrats on your little Lucy Loo.

Heather said...

That's hilarious that Trac liked a'll have to talk her into taking the Nuttall Family dog Nike!