I'm bad. I'm really bad. But, whatever. I'm updating now...so all three of you that read this blog can be updated on the not-so-exciting life of the Attanasios. HA HA. I actually started this update about mid-August, and it is my mission to get up to date today. I don't know what I wrote - so forgive me if it sounds lame, it will just have to do.
Where to begin? July was filled with preparations for Girl's Camp. For those of you who don't know, I am in the Young Women's presidency in my ward. I haven't been to girls camp in over ten years. I was looking forward to it, but stressing out about all the preparations. I was proud of myself for being as prepared as I was, and I was actually able to go to bed at 10:30 p.m. the night before camp. (That means I wasn't up all night scrambling to be ready at the last minute - a HUGE first for me.) We left for camp on Tuesday, July 22. Why does that date sound so familiar? It was my birthday of course! My darling husband took me to breakfast and gave me a fabulous gift that morning. He knows my unecessary need to carry my world on my shoulder, and he got me a gorgeous handbag! It is brown and has silver embellishments everywhere and a big long strap and the cutest interior. I love it!
Girls Camp was a lot of fun. I had to leave a few days early to travel to Wyoming for the Clegg family reunion. Surprisingly, I didn't want to go home. I had such a great time bonding with the girls and the leaders. They were so much fun, and treated me like a princess on my birthday. I have never had that many birthday songs in my life! I am really glad that I was able to go and have that experience. It brought back so many memories from when I was a girl. It is a great opportunity for the girls and they love it.
I came home from camp Thursday afternoon and we left on Friday morning for Wyoming. We had family stay at our house overnight as a halfway point on Thursday night. We had Aunt Jenny, Jan, Seeta, Judy, Kenzie, Benson, and Courtney all stay. It was so much fun to have them here. We love having family in our home - it makes for more exciting life. We left late Friday morning for Wyoming, and after a few wrong turns - ha ha - we made it to the reunion. We stayed at this little place called the Wolfden Inn in Thayne, Wyoming. We were in these little cabins. James and I and Jenny shared one side of the 'Buffalo Bungalo' with Jill, Kirt & Britney. It was a cute little place. There was a little picnic area and a corral with buffalos in it right outside our door. We had the traditional parade at the reunion. They put Seeta in the golf cart with her accordion and she led the way. I will let the pictures speak for themselves on this one. I dressed up as Abe Lincoln.
We went and stayed in Park City with the Petersen's for a couple days and celebrated my birthday. It was really fun and relaxing. I miss them so much...
Jand & Seeta stayed with us for a few days after that and it was a lot of fun having them in our home. We really have enjoyed our summer having family here and spending time with everyone. It has been a party!
August...what happened...?! It came, and it went. There wasn't anything too exciting that happened. We kind of recuperated from the past few weeks of going non-stop. We became completely obsessed with the olympics and tivoed every night and stayed up super late watching it all. We loved Michael Phelps, and hated the judges in the gymnastics. I freaked out seeing the men on the pommell horse...something about that just doesn't look right. James wants our children to be Olympians now...I want them to actually have a life, so we'll see how that turns out.
Throughout the summer the garden has been fabulous. The zucchinis keep getting bigger - like baseball bats - and there are so many tomatoes. If anyone wants some tomatoes, let me know. We have way too many to eat!
We are now into September...Labor Day weekend was rainy and lazy for us. We enjoyed the weather completely and watched movies and slept in. It was great. We are looking forward to some cooler weather and oh yes...Football season has started! The Giants are playing tomorrow night. Big news for us! James' work schedule changed from 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 and later p.m. to 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. We are normal! I do miss our long mornings with yummy breakfasts, but I am loving the time we have together in the evenings now. He usually wasn't getting home before 9 before, so it is super nice to have time together in the evenings. Lucy likes it too. Lucy update? She is the same...just more furry. She is eating everything in sight, and barking ALL the time. She is our baby though, and we love her. She likes to go to the park and is getting used to meeting other dogs. OK - I'm blogging about my dog...get a life!
James and I are happy though. I can say now that we are definitely settled into married life and we love it. I promise promise promise there will be more exciting updates in the very near future!